Bill Pfaff's PC Solutions
Serving New Castle County, Delaware, USA

You will see scams of all types on your computer. This page describes some of those I've seen or that customers have seen. It's hard to be too cautious on your PC. When in doubt, call someone to get a second opinion, or get in touch with me.
Battery Park, New Castle, Delaware
U.S. Postal Service scam: This one came in an email. We all take delivery of more packages these days, so it's easy to believe this one. But two things work against it: USPS doesn't send emails like this. Second, if (in the original email) you hover your mouse over the "Reconfirm" link" you will see the true location you would be taken to by clicking the link (don't click it!). In this example the link would take you to some fishy website like "". We don't want to know what might happen on that site!
mock USPS email
Email interruptus scam: We're all so accustomed to instant communication that the thought of delayed emails might cause alarm. Clicking on "Click Here to Release Messages" won't really help. It takes you to a page where you provide your email address and password to computer criminals! When in doubt, contact your email provider from the provider's website. Or just ignore the message!
Mock email trouble email

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